Hey You!
Yesss!!! Youuu!!!!
Are you looking for an opportunity to do some service for OA to add to your abstinence?
Are you longing for something right up your alley? Do "official documents" having typos leap up to you from right off the page?
If so, look no further!
Mama Laura here - - - I am chair for the bylaws committee. I am looking for volunteers who have a desire to spot inconsistencies, misspellings, grammatically geek out, missing and misused punctuation, and missing commands such as a simple return.
I am also looking for people who have taken a deep read at our Intergroup's Bylaws and might have an excellent suggestion or two.
In short - I want to see our Bylaws to be the best that they can be. Clear. Concise. A work in progress. Shiny. New.
You can find the page with Bylaws to download and printout here.
Since you read this far, might be interested enough to email me at: Email: <[email protected]>
Your intergroup, the shiny grand beautiful Lake Country OA Intergroup, thanks you! And. Your gratefully humble webmaster thanks you!
A Facebook Group page for Lake Country Intergroup Overeaters Anonymous
Why, you ask? Because we deserve a community all our own, at least on Facebook. At least, on Facebook we could have a presence. (how about Instagram, Twitter, and others?)
Anyone wanting more info or at least with interest in heading it up, please contact your webmistress at OALCI.webmaster at
Thank YOU!!!
Why, you ask? Because we deserve a community all our own, at least on Facebook. At least, on Facebook we could have a presence. (how about Instagram, Twitter, and others?)
Anyone wanting more info or at least with interest in heading it up, please contact your webmistress at OALCI.webmaster at
Thank YOU!!!