Hello Again, Out There Folks!
Yes, 'tis me. Again! We need people. This Twelve Steps Program known as the Lake Country Overeaters Anonymous Intergroup needs people. We need people who can motivate people. We need people who can inspire people. Inspire to do what? Motivate for what reason?
Why to work on their abstinence, of course! By finding things to do. By giving back! Volunteering your time, your talents, your abilities, and your skills to keep abstinent. This helps you stay abstinent. For example, you could volunteer to write articles for a newsletter, you could start a blog for your group, you could volunteer to chair your group's meetings, you could volunteer even at the Intergroup level, you could even start a new group meeting, and you could begin by attending Intergroup meetings.
We need people to attend the Intergroup meetings. We need people to get involved in the process in running our organization. You could give perhaps make suggestions, you could contribute ideas even, and more!! So, please, at least help by spreading the word of the dire need for help at all levels of Overeaters Anonymous at every meeting you attend. If you think someone else do it, look around, maybe no one else!!! That someone else to get things done could be YOU!!! Email me with questions and suggestions, I welcome them. Hey!!!!! I can't think of everything for everyone or the whole of OA!
Why to work on their abstinence, of course! By finding things to do. By giving back! Volunteering your time, your talents, your abilities, and your skills to keep abstinent. This helps you stay abstinent. For example, you could volunteer to write articles for a newsletter, you could start a blog for your group, you could volunteer to chair your group's meetings, you could volunteer even at the Intergroup level, you could even start a new group meeting, and you could begin by attending Intergroup meetings.
We need people to attend the Intergroup meetings. We need people to get involved in the process in running our organization. You could give perhaps make suggestions, you could contribute ideas even, and more!! So, please, at least help by spreading the word of the dire need for help at all levels of Overeaters Anonymous at every meeting you attend. If you think someone else do it, look around, maybe no one else!!! That someone else to get things done could be YOU!!! Email me with questions and suggestions, I welcome them. Hey!!!!! I can't think of everything for everyone or the whole of OA!