Helpful Terms You May Hear at Meetings
Just like in any other organization, association, company, occupation, business, etc., Overeaters Anonymous has its own language, lingo, jargon, and terminology. This listing is by NO means complete. This page is under construction . . . please wait while we gather information . . . Is there a term or slang, phrase you would like to see added here, please share with me at [email protected].
Overeaters Anonymous page with terms is found here.
Below is another glossary. It is from a document found on this page. This website is sharing downloadable document with you here. Although it is not complete but we will work on it, so stay tuned.
AA = ** abbreviation for Alcoholics Anonymous
Abstinence and Recovery = ** Abstinence: The action of refraining from compulsive eating and compulsive
food behaviors while working towards or maintaining a healthy body weight. Spiritual, emotional,
and physical recovery is achieved through working and living the Overeaters Anonymous Twelve
Step program.
Abstinent, practicing abstinence = ** abstinent member
Accept = ** e.g., “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change…”
Action Plan = ** One of the Tools of Recovery. The process of identifying and implementing attainable
actions, both daily and long-term, that are necessary to support our individual abstinence and
spiritual, emotional, and physical recovery
Admit = ** e.g., I finally had to admit that I was scared.
Affected = ** e.g., the good of OA as a whole may be affected by…
Affiliated = ** Some OA groups are affiliated with an intergroup, and/or a NSB or LSB, and a region.
Ask-It Basket = ** questions by OA members answered by members of the BOT
Assembly = ** In most regions, a gathering that takes place once or twice a year, over two days, that covers the
business part of carrying the message within that region. Representatives from service bodies
within that region are asked to attend on their service bodies‘ behalf. Some national service
boards and language service boards have assemblies, typically taking place once a year.
A Step Ahead = ** quarterly newsletter by the World Service Office available for download from the OA
website (
Been admitted = ** e.g., having been admitted to the hospital
Beyond Our Wildest Dreams = ** OA history book, written by OA founder, Rozanne S.
Big Book = ** Alcoholics Anonymous, 4th ed., book
Binge = ** to binge
Board = ** board member
** service board
** national service board (NSB)
** language service board (LSB)
Board-approved Literature = ** OA literature that has originated from a board or Conference committee and is
not intended for the Fellowship as a whole, or literature that has been compiled from existing
Conference approved literature or Lifeline
Board committee(s) = ** permanent or special (ad hoc) committee(s) of the board at the world service level
formed for a special purpose or project
Board meeting = ** Meeting of the members of the Board of Trustees. The BOT meets up to four times per year,
usually in Albuquerque, New Mexico USA. The board is compiled of general service trustees
(GSTs) and region trustees (RTs). The GSTs meet monthly. Some meetings are held
BOT = ** abbreviation for Board of Trustees
Business = ** e.g., business meetings; sometimes known as group conscience
Business Conference Policy Manual = ** List of ongoing policies adopted at Conferences. Also known as the
Summary of Continuing Effect Motions
Bylaws = ** Subpart A is the governing document of the corporate organization for Overeaters Anonymous, Inc.
** Subpart B is the governing document setting out the identity, rights, and privileges of
members of Overeaters Anonymous with respect to the corporation.
Common Solution, A = ** OA pamphlet
Compulsive eater = ** e.g., My name is … and I am a compulsive eater.
** OA members introduce themselves as compulsive eaters or compulsive overeaters.
Sometimes they add that they are anorexic, bulimic, or a vomiter.
Compulsive overeater = ** e.g., My name is ... and I am a compulsive overeater. OA members introduce
themselves as compulsive eaters or compulsive overeaters. Sometimes they add that
they are anorexic, bulimic, or a vomiter.
Concepts (the Twelve Concepts of OA Service) = ** the Concepts guiding all OA members in their service to the
Conference = ** the assembly of the World Service Business Conference
Conference-approved Literature = ** OA literature that has been approved by Conference and granted the
Conference Seal of Approval
Conference committees = ** Standing or special committees of the Conference at the world service level
formed for a specific purpose or project. Conference committees are made up of
Conference delegates and are cochaired by a delegate cochair and a trustee co-chair.
Conference Support Committee (CSC) = ** experienced OA members who assist with logistics at Conference
Convention = ** World Service Convention. Event held to promote recovery and fellowship for OA
members around the world
Courage = ** e.g. “God, grant me ... courage to change the things I can ...”
Courier, Professional Community = ** OA publication for the professional community with OA news,
information, and stories of recovery written by health care professionals. Available at
Delegate = ** The person elected at the intergroup or service body level to represent that intergroup, national
service board, or language service board at World Service Business Conference. Regional chairs
and trustees also serve as Conference delegates.
Designated downloader = ** person assigned to print documents that appear on the website
Disease = ** e.g., Compulsive eating is a threefold disease: spiritual, emotional, physical.
Dump at meetings, to = ** complain or talk negatively
EC = ** abbreviation for Executive Committee
Emotional = ** e.g., emotional healing
** e.g., emotional recovery
Executive Committee (EC) = ** A subset of the BOT with the duty of overseeing the World Service Office. The
Executive Committee meets in person or by conference call each month.
Feeling = ** e.g., feeling bad about myself
** e.g., feeling good about myself
Fellow = ** the member of Overeaters Anonymous worldwide
Fellowship = ** the membership of Overeaters Anonymous worldwide
Final Conference Report = **Report of the actions taken at the annual World Service Business Conference
(WSBC or Conference). This report contains minutes of the business meetings, summaries of the workshop presentations,
reports of the Conference committees, the revised Conference Policy Manual, and addresses of the delegates, region chairs,
and trustees. (The personal data of the delegates are not included in the website version of the Report.)
First things first = ** to give priority to the most important things
Fiscal year = ** The fiscal year for Overeaters Anonymous, Inc. is January 1 to December 31.
Focus on Anorexia and Bulimia = ** packet with OA pamphlets and selection of stories by OA members on the
topics of anorexia and bulimia
Fold = ** e.g., threefold disease
Foot = ** A foot is a unit of length. (pl. feet; abbreviation: ft.)
** 1 foot = 0.3048 meters
Footwork = ** detailed actions
For Today = ** OA book with 366 entries on recovery, one for each day of the year
Forum = ** e.g., to provide a forum for sharing
Founder = ** e.g., the founder of Overeaters Anonymous, Rozanne S.
General Service Trustee (GST) = ** GSTs are elected at-large from the OA membership. GSTs are part of the
BOT and serve as the Executive Committee.
Get off track = ** get off the subject
God = ** e.g., God is in charge.
Group = ** Also known as a meeting group. These points define an OA group:
1) As a group, they meet to practice the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of OA guided by the
Twelve Concepts of OA Service.
2) All who have the desire to stop eating compulsively are welcome in the group.
3) No member is required to practice any actions in order to remain a member or to have a voice
(share at a meeting).
4) As a group they have no affiliation other than OA.
5) It has affiliated as an OA group by registering with the WSO.
** Composition of a group: A group may be formed by two or more persons meeting together, as set
forth in Bylaws B, Article V, section 1, either:
(i) in the same physical location (face-to-face);
(ii) through some form of electronic device (virtually); or
(iii) both.
** Virtual / virtually groups. See Bylaws B, Article V, section 1.
Gut level = ** to have an opinion not necessarily based on facts
HALT (Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired)
Hard = ** e.g., to work hard
ΗΟW (Honesty, Openness, Willingness) = ** HOW is the acronym for OA groups that have a slightly more
structured method of practicing the OA program.
IDEA (International Day Experiencing Abstinence) = ** One of the OA international days. IDEA takes place on
the third full weekend (Friday included) in November every year when members celebrate
abstinence around the world.
IG = ** abbreviation for intergroup
Inappropriate = ** e.g., with regard to eating or food behaviors
Intergroup (IG) = ** The service body that supports local area groups. The intergroup is made up of
representatives from each group it serves and is managed by a board of officers.
Intergroups generally provide published local meeting lists, answer service calls from
newcomers, and can at times develop locally produced OA literature (e.g., for public
information purposes).
Intergroup representative (IR) = ** group member who is selected to represent a group at intergroup meetings
Job = ** e.g., my job is to …
Junk food = ** foods that are generally considered unhealthy
Keep it = ** e.g., To keep it, you have to give it away.
Let go = ** e.g., Let go and let God.
Lifeline = ** OA‘s international magazine of recovery, now discontinued. Lifeline published stories of recovery
written and submitted by OA members. Past issues available at
Licked = ** defeated
Lifted = ** e.g., Our obsession is lifted.
Lip service = ** insincere
Lone = ** OA member in a place without meetings
Love = ** Ninth Step principle
LSB = ** abbreviation for language service board
** service body that provides services to intergroups and/or groups with a common
language in an area outside the US and Canada
Managing director = ** Chief operating officer of the OA organization. The managing director manages day-
to-day operations of the World Service Office, assists the BOT, and serves as the corporate
secretary of Overeaters Anonymous, Inc.
Meeting(s) = ** Two or more people who have the desire to stop eating compulsively and who meet to practice
the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous. Also known as a group or
meeting group. These points define an OA group:
1) As a group, they meet to practice the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of OA guided by the
Twelve Concepts of OA Service.
2) All who have the desire to stop eating compulsively are welcome in the group.
3) No member is required to practice any actions in order to remain a member or to have a voice
(share at a meeting).
4) As a group they have no affiliation other than OA.
5) It has affiliated as an OA group by registering with the WSO.
Miracle = ** e.g., Miracles never cease.
** e.g., Don’t quit before the miracle happens.
Mistake = ** e.g., I made a mistake.
** e.g., Something is wrong.
** e.g., I am wrong.
Morbid obesity = ** life-threatening obesity
NSB = ** abbreviation for national service board
** service body that provides services to intergroups and/or groups within a country area
outside the US and Canada
OA Birthday = ** One of the OA international days. Rozanne S. founded OA on January 19, 1960. The OA Birthday
is celebrated worldwide on the third full weekend (Friday included) in January every year.
Office = ** e.g., World Service Office (WSO)
Officer(s) = ** volunteer(s) elected or designated to give service in OA service bodies
Ok; okay = ** e.g., it’s ok to …
Overeaters Anonymous, Inc. = ** The formal structure of the corporate organization subject to the laws of the
state of New Mexico USA.
**OA, Inc. is made up of the BOT; the WSO; and for the week that it is in session, the
World Service Business Conference.
PI = ** abbreviation for Public Information
** a Conference committee with the purpose to coordinate efforts to provide information
about OA to the public.
Pitch = **A brief talk in which members may qualify and describe what they were like before OA, what
happened, and what they are like now, as well as how long they have been in OA. Pitches may also
address a specific topic chosen by the group‘s leader.
Plan of eating, a = ** As one of the Tools of Recovery, a plan of eating helps us abstain from compulsive eating,
guides us in our dietary decisions, and defines what, when, how, where, and why we eat. As personal
directions for an OA member, a plan of eating is part of the action plan and is more than a food plan,
which OA does not endorse.
Pound(s) = ** The pound or pound-mass is a unit of mass / weight. Abbreviations: lb or lb.
** 1 pound = 0.45359237 kilograms
Primary purpose = ** as stated in the OA Promise: “To abstain from compulsive eating and compulsive food
behaviors and to carry the message of recovery through the Twelve Steps of OA to those who still
Purging = ** vomiting, using laxatives, or overexercising
Qualify = ** the act of telling a group the length of time the speaker is recovering in the Fellowship and of the
inner and outer changes experienced as a result of abstaining and working the Twelve Step program
of recovery
Reach out for = ** e.g., Reach out for help.
** e.g., reach(ing) out to others for support or to provide support to others. (Service)
Reading = ** as one of the Tools of Recovery
Recovery = ** Spiritual, emotional, and physical recovery is achieved through working and living the
Overeaters Anonymous Twelve Step program.
** become well
** regain control of
Region(s) = ** ten areas of the physical world plus the virtual world, as defined in the OA Bylaws
Region Assembly = ** The business meeting of each region. Intergroups or service boards send
representatives to regional assemblies to enact business, elect region officers, and nominate
candidates for region trustee.
Region Representative (RR) = ** an intergroup representative who represents the intergroup at regional
Region Trustee (RT) = ** the members of the board who serve as liaisons between their region and the World
Service Office
Representative = ** OA member designated for representing a service body in their region
Restore = ** e.g., restore us to …
Rozanne S. = ** OA founder
Serenity Prayer
Seventh Tradition = ** contribution to OA, in either money or service
Slip = ** e.g., I slipped
** e.g., slip and slide
Spiritual = ** e.g., spiritual and sane life
** e.g., spiritual awakening
** e.g., spiritual recovery
** e.g., spiritual sustenance
Sponsorship Day = ** One of the OA international days. Celebrated on the third full weekend (Friday included)
of August worldwide every year. A day for celebrating sponsorship in our Fellowship.
Staff members = ** e.g., staff members at the World Service Office
Steps (the Twelve Steps) = ** the Twelve Steps of recovery from compulsive overeating, adapted with
permission from the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous
Stick to the Twelve and Twelve, to = ** the Twelve and Twelve is the book The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions
of Overeaters Anonymous, Second Edition
Still, small voice = ** thought in a member’s head that may have come from her or his HP
Success = ** Successful
** Successfully, to live
Surrender = ** e.g., surrender the food
** e.g., surrender, daily
Tools of Recovery = ** Nine Tools to use in order to work the Steps and live in recovery: a plan of eating,
sponsorship, meetings, telephone, writing, literature, action plan, anonymity, and service
Traditions (the Twelve Traditions) = ** the principal ideas behind the Overeaters Anonymous program of
recovery, adapted with permission from the Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous
Treatment = ** medical treatment
Twelve and Twelve = ** book, The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous, Second
** also, OA 12 & 12
Twelve Steps = ** the Steps of recovery from compulsive overeating, adapted with permission from the
Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous
Twelfth Step Within = ** A Conference committee whose purpose is to support the recovery of OA members
Twelfth Step Within Day = ** One of the OA international days. Celebrated on December 12 worldwide every
year. A day for thinking of those who still suffer, whether in the rooms of OA or not.
Twelfth Step Work = ** to practice the Twelfth Step or, more specifically, to carry the OA message of recovery
to other compulsive overeaters
Twelve Traditions = ** the principal ideas behind the Overeaters Anonymous program of recovery, adapted
with permission from the Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous
Underlying = ** e.g., the Principles underlying the Steps
Unity = ** First Tradition Principle
Unity Day = ** One of the OA international days. It occurs the last Saturday in February in even years and the
last Sunday in February in odd years at 11:30 a.m. local time. Unity Day was established to reaffirm
the love and understanding shared by members in our Fellowship.
Unity with Diversity Committee = ** Committee whose purpose is to recognize the significance that diversity
plays in OA’s ability to carry the message of recovery effectively. This committee encourages
acceptance and inclusivity in our language and actions, while growing worldwide unity.
** See the “Unity with Diversity” Policy on, which encourages us to
have love and tolerance for all members, no matter our differences.
Virtual groups = ** groups that replicate face-to-face meetings through digital media
Virtual Service Trustee (VST) = ** one member of the BOT who serves as liaison between virtual meetings and
service boards and world service
Voices of Recovery = ** OA book with 365 entries on recovery (one for each day of the year)
Vomiter = ** e.g., I am a vomiter.
VSB = ** abbreviation for virtual services board (for online and telephone meetings)
White-knuckle abstinence = ** abstinence that we fight to keep instead of relaxing
Willing = ** e.g., willing to give, being
** e.g., willing to go to any length in order to recover
** e.g., I have been willing to recover.
Willingness = ** e.g., Willingness to give up food
** e.g., Willingness to surrender
** e.g., I asked for the willingness.
World Service Business Conference (WSBC) = ** Annual business Conference of Overeaters Anonymous, Inc.
This weeklong meeting is held to elect trustees, amend Bylaws, adopt new business policies,
and provide information to delegates through presentations and workshops.
World Service Office (WSO) = ** Administrative headquarters for Overeaters Anonymous in Rio Rancho, New
Mexico USA. Staffed by professionals who conduct day-to-day business operations of OA, the
WSO registers OA groups worldwide, develops OA literature, and sells and ships OA books and
WSBC = ** abbreviation for World Service Business Conference; also known as Conference
WSC = ** abbreviation for World Service Convention; also known as Convention
WSO = ** abbreviation for World Service Office
Writing = ** as one of the nine Tools
Overeaters Anonymous page with terms is found here.
Below is another glossary. It is from a document found on this page. This website is sharing downloadable document with you here. Although it is not complete but we will work on it, so stay tuned.
AA = ** abbreviation for Alcoholics Anonymous
Abstinence and Recovery = ** Abstinence: The action of refraining from compulsive eating and compulsive
food behaviors while working towards or maintaining a healthy body weight. Spiritual, emotional,
and physical recovery is achieved through working and living the Overeaters Anonymous Twelve
Step program.
Abstinent, practicing abstinence = ** abstinent member
Accept = ** e.g., “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change…”
Action Plan = ** One of the Tools of Recovery. The process of identifying and implementing attainable
actions, both daily and long-term, that are necessary to support our individual abstinence and
spiritual, emotional, and physical recovery
Admit = ** e.g., I finally had to admit that I was scared.
Affected = ** e.g., the good of OA as a whole may be affected by…
Affiliated = ** Some OA groups are affiliated with an intergroup, and/or a NSB or LSB, and a region.
Ask-It Basket = ** questions by OA members answered by members of the BOT
Assembly = ** In most regions, a gathering that takes place once or twice a year, over two days, that covers the
business part of carrying the message within that region. Representatives from service bodies
within that region are asked to attend on their service bodies‘ behalf. Some national service
boards and language service boards have assemblies, typically taking place once a year.
A Step Ahead = ** quarterly newsletter by the World Service Office available for download from the OA
website (
Been admitted = ** e.g., having been admitted to the hospital
Beyond Our Wildest Dreams = ** OA history book, written by OA founder, Rozanne S.
Big Book = ** Alcoholics Anonymous, 4th ed., book
Binge = ** to binge
Board = ** board member
** service board
** national service board (NSB)
** language service board (LSB)
Board-approved Literature = ** OA literature that has originated from a board or Conference committee and is
not intended for the Fellowship as a whole, or literature that has been compiled from existing
Conference approved literature or Lifeline
Board committee(s) = ** permanent or special (ad hoc) committee(s) of the board at the world service level
formed for a special purpose or project
Board meeting = ** Meeting of the members of the Board of Trustees. The BOT meets up to four times per year,
usually in Albuquerque, New Mexico USA. The board is compiled of general service trustees
(GSTs) and region trustees (RTs). The GSTs meet monthly. Some meetings are held
BOT = ** abbreviation for Board of Trustees
Business = ** e.g., business meetings; sometimes known as group conscience
Business Conference Policy Manual = ** List of ongoing policies adopted at Conferences. Also known as the
Summary of Continuing Effect Motions
Bylaws = ** Subpart A is the governing document of the corporate organization for Overeaters Anonymous, Inc.
** Subpart B is the governing document setting out the identity, rights, and privileges of
members of Overeaters Anonymous with respect to the corporation.
Common Solution, A = ** OA pamphlet
Compulsive eater = ** e.g., My name is … and I am a compulsive eater.
** OA members introduce themselves as compulsive eaters or compulsive overeaters.
Sometimes they add that they are anorexic, bulimic, or a vomiter.
Compulsive overeater = ** e.g., My name is ... and I am a compulsive overeater. OA members introduce
themselves as compulsive eaters or compulsive overeaters. Sometimes they add that
they are anorexic, bulimic, or a vomiter.
Concepts (the Twelve Concepts of OA Service) = ** the Concepts guiding all OA members in their service to the
Conference = ** the assembly of the World Service Business Conference
Conference-approved Literature = ** OA literature that has been approved by Conference and granted the
Conference Seal of Approval
Conference committees = ** Standing or special committees of the Conference at the world service level
formed for a specific purpose or project. Conference committees are made up of
Conference delegates and are cochaired by a delegate cochair and a trustee co-chair.
Conference Support Committee (CSC) = ** experienced OA members who assist with logistics at Conference
Convention = ** World Service Convention. Event held to promote recovery and fellowship for OA
members around the world
Courage = ** e.g. “God, grant me ... courage to change the things I can ...”
Courier, Professional Community = ** OA publication for the professional community with OA news,
information, and stories of recovery written by health care professionals. Available at
Delegate = ** The person elected at the intergroup or service body level to represent that intergroup, national
service board, or language service board at World Service Business Conference. Regional chairs
and trustees also serve as Conference delegates.
Designated downloader = ** person assigned to print documents that appear on the website
Disease = ** e.g., Compulsive eating is a threefold disease: spiritual, emotional, physical.
Dump at meetings, to = ** complain or talk negatively
EC = ** abbreviation for Executive Committee
Emotional = ** e.g., emotional healing
** e.g., emotional recovery
Executive Committee (EC) = ** A subset of the BOT with the duty of overseeing the World Service Office. The
Executive Committee meets in person or by conference call each month.
Feeling = ** e.g., feeling bad about myself
** e.g., feeling good about myself
Fellow = ** the member of Overeaters Anonymous worldwide
Fellowship = ** the membership of Overeaters Anonymous worldwide
Final Conference Report = **Report of the actions taken at the annual World Service Business Conference
(WSBC or Conference). This report contains minutes of the business meetings, summaries of the workshop presentations,
reports of the Conference committees, the revised Conference Policy Manual, and addresses of the delegates, region chairs,
and trustees. (The personal data of the delegates are not included in the website version of the Report.)
First things first = ** to give priority to the most important things
Fiscal year = ** The fiscal year for Overeaters Anonymous, Inc. is January 1 to December 31.
Focus on Anorexia and Bulimia = ** packet with OA pamphlets and selection of stories by OA members on the
topics of anorexia and bulimia
Fold = ** e.g., threefold disease
Foot = ** A foot is a unit of length. (pl. feet; abbreviation: ft.)
** 1 foot = 0.3048 meters
Footwork = ** detailed actions
For Today = ** OA book with 366 entries on recovery, one for each day of the year
Forum = ** e.g., to provide a forum for sharing
Founder = ** e.g., the founder of Overeaters Anonymous, Rozanne S.
General Service Trustee (GST) = ** GSTs are elected at-large from the OA membership. GSTs are part of the
BOT and serve as the Executive Committee.
Get off track = ** get off the subject
God = ** e.g., God is in charge.
Group = ** Also known as a meeting group. These points define an OA group:
1) As a group, they meet to practice the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of OA guided by the
Twelve Concepts of OA Service.
2) All who have the desire to stop eating compulsively are welcome in the group.
3) No member is required to practice any actions in order to remain a member or to have a voice
(share at a meeting).
4) As a group they have no affiliation other than OA.
5) It has affiliated as an OA group by registering with the WSO.
** Composition of a group: A group may be formed by two or more persons meeting together, as set
forth in Bylaws B, Article V, section 1, either:
(i) in the same physical location (face-to-face);
(ii) through some form of electronic device (virtually); or
(iii) both.
** Virtual / virtually groups. See Bylaws B, Article V, section 1.
Gut level = ** to have an opinion not necessarily based on facts
HALT (Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired)
Hard = ** e.g., to work hard
ΗΟW (Honesty, Openness, Willingness) = ** HOW is the acronym for OA groups that have a slightly more
structured method of practicing the OA program.
IDEA (International Day Experiencing Abstinence) = ** One of the OA international days. IDEA takes place on
the third full weekend (Friday included) in November every year when members celebrate
abstinence around the world.
IG = ** abbreviation for intergroup
Inappropriate = ** e.g., with regard to eating or food behaviors
Intergroup (IG) = ** The service body that supports local area groups. The intergroup is made up of
representatives from each group it serves and is managed by a board of officers.
Intergroups generally provide published local meeting lists, answer service calls from
newcomers, and can at times develop locally produced OA literature (e.g., for public
information purposes).
Intergroup representative (IR) = ** group member who is selected to represent a group at intergroup meetings
Job = ** e.g., my job is to …
Junk food = ** foods that are generally considered unhealthy
Keep it = ** e.g., To keep it, you have to give it away.
Let go = ** e.g., Let go and let God.
Lifeline = ** OA‘s international magazine of recovery, now discontinued. Lifeline published stories of recovery
written and submitted by OA members. Past issues available at
Licked = ** defeated
Lifted = ** e.g., Our obsession is lifted.
Lip service = ** insincere
Lone = ** OA member in a place without meetings
Love = ** Ninth Step principle
LSB = ** abbreviation for language service board
** service body that provides services to intergroups and/or groups with a common
language in an area outside the US and Canada
Managing director = ** Chief operating officer of the OA organization. The managing director manages day-
to-day operations of the World Service Office, assists the BOT, and serves as the corporate
secretary of Overeaters Anonymous, Inc.
Meeting(s) = ** Two or more people who have the desire to stop eating compulsively and who meet to practice
the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous. Also known as a group or
meeting group. These points define an OA group:
1) As a group, they meet to practice the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of OA guided by the
Twelve Concepts of OA Service.
2) All who have the desire to stop eating compulsively are welcome in the group.
3) No member is required to practice any actions in order to remain a member or to have a voice
(share at a meeting).
4) As a group they have no affiliation other than OA.
5) It has affiliated as an OA group by registering with the WSO.
Miracle = ** e.g., Miracles never cease.
** e.g., Don’t quit before the miracle happens.
Mistake = ** e.g., I made a mistake.
** e.g., Something is wrong.
** e.g., I am wrong.
Morbid obesity = ** life-threatening obesity
NSB = ** abbreviation for national service board
** service body that provides services to intergroups and/or groups within a country area
outside the US and Canada
OA Birthday = ** One of the OA international days. Rozanne S. founded OA on January 19, 1960. The OA Birthday
is celebrated worldwide on the third full weekend (Friday included) in January every year.
Office = ** e.g., World Service Office (WSO)
Officer(s) = ** volunteer(s) elected or designated to give service in OA service bodies
Ok; okay = ** e.g., it’s ok to …
Overeaters Anonymous, Inc. = ** The formal structure of the corporate organization subject to the laws of the
state of New Mexico USA.
**OA, Inc. is made up of the BOT; the WSO; and for the week that it is in session, the
World Service Business Conference.
PI = ** abbreviation for Public Information
** a Conference committee with the purpose to coordinate efforts to provide information
about OA to the public.
Pitch = **A brief talk in which members may qualify and describe what they were like before OA, what
happened, and what they are like now, as well as how long they have been in OA. Pitches may also
address a specific topic chosen by the group‘s leader.
Plan of eating, a = ** As one of the Tools of Recovery, a plan of eating helps us abstain from compulsive eating,
guides us in our dietary decisions, and defines what, when, how, where, and why we eat. As personal
directions for an OA member, a plan of eating is part of the action plan and is more than a food plan,
which OA does not endorse.
Pound(s) = ** The pound or pound-mass is a unit of mass / weight. Abbreviations: lb or lb.
** 1 pound = 0.45359237 kilograms
Primary purpose = ** as stated in the OA Promise: “To abstain from compulsive eating and compulsive food
behaviors and to carry the message of recovery through the Twelve Steps of OA to those who still
Purging = ** vomiting, using laxatives, or overexercising
Qualify = ** the act of telling a group the length of time the speaker is recovering in the Fellowship and of the
inner and outer changes experienced as a result of abstaining and working the Twelve Step program
of recovery
Reach out for = ** e.g., Reach out for help.
** e.g., reach(ing) out to others for support or to provide support to others. (Service)
Reading = ** as one of the Tools of Recovery
Recovery = ** Spiritual, emotional, and physical recovery is achieved through working and living the
Overeaters Anonymous Twelve Step program.
** become well
** regain control of
Region(s) = ** ten areas of the physical world plus the virtual world, as defined in the OA Bylaws
Region Assembly = ** The business meeting of each region. Intergroups or service boards send
representatives to regional assemblies to enact business, elect region officers, and nominate
candidates for region trustee.
Region Representative (RR) = ** an intergroup representative who represents the intergroup at regional
Region Trustee (RT) = ** the members of the board who serve as liaisons between their region and the World
Service Office
Representative = ** OA member designated for representing a service body in their region
Restore = ** e.g., restore us to …
Rozanne S. = ** OA founder
Serenity Prayer
Seventh Tradition = ** contribution to OA, in either money or service
Slip = ** e.g., I slipped
** e.g., slip and slide
Spiritual = ** e.g., spiritual and sane life
** e.g., spiritual awakening
** e.g., spiritual recovery
** e.g., spiritual sustenance
Sponsorship Day = ** One of the OA international days. Celebrated on the third full weekend (Friday included)
of August worldwide every year. A day for celebrating sponsorship in our Fellowship.
Staff members = ** e.g., staff members at the World Service Office
Steps (the Twelve Steps) = ** the Twelve Steps of recovery from compulsive overeating, adapted with
permission from the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous
Stick to the Twelve and Twelve, to = ** the Twelve and Twelve is the book The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions
of Overeaters Anonymous, Second Edition
Still, small voice = ** thought in a member’s head that may have come from her or his HP
Success = ** Successful
** Successfully, to live
Surrender = ** e.g., surrender the food
** e.g., surrender, daily
Tools of Recovery = ** Nine Tools to use in order to work the Steps and live in recovery: a plan of eating,
sponsorship, meetings, telephone, writing, literature, action plan, anonymity, and service
Traditions (the Twelve Traditions) = ** the principal ideas behind the Overeaters Anonymous program of
recovery, adapted with permission from the Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous
Treatment = ** medical treatment
Twelve and Twelve = ** book, The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous, Second
** also, OA 12 & 12
Twelve Steps = ** the Steps of recovery from compulsive overeating, adapted with permission from the
Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous
Twelfth Step Within = ** A Conference committee whose purpose is to support the recovery of OA members
Twelfth Step Within Day = ** One of the OA international days. Celebrated on December 12 worldwide every
year. A day for thinking of those who still suffer, whether in the rooms of OA or not.
Twelfth Step Work = ** to practice the Twelfth Step or, more specifically, to carry the OA message of recovery
to other compulsive overeaters
Twelve Traditions = ** the principal ideas behind the Overeaters Anonymous program of recovery, adapted
with permission from the Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous
Underlying = ** e.g., the Principles underlying the Steps
Unity = ** First Tradition Principle
Unity Day = ** One of the OA international days. It occurs the last Saturday in February in even years and the
last Sunday in February in odd years at 11:30 a.m. local time. Unity Day was established to reaffirm
the love and understanding shared by members in our Fellowship.
Unity with Diversity Committee = ** Committee whose purpose is to recognize the significance that diversity
plays in OA’s ability to carry the message of recovery effectively. This committee encourages
acceptance and inclusivity in our language and actions, while growing worldwide unity.
** See the “Unity with Diversity” Policy on, which encourages us to
have love and tolerance for all members, no matter our differences.
Virtual groups = ** groups that replicate face-to-face meetings through digital media
Virtual Service Trustee (VST) = ** one member of the BOT who serves as liaison between virtual meetings and
service boards and world service
Voices of Recovery = ** OA book with 365 entries on recovery (one for each day of the year)
Vomiter = ** e.g., I am a vomiter.
VSB = ** abbreviation for virtual services board (for online and telephone meetings)
White-knuckle abstinence = ** abstinence that we fight to keep instead of relaxing
Willing = ** e.g., willing to give, being
** e.g., willing to go to any length in order to recover
** e.g., I have been willing to recover.
Willingness = ** e.g., Willingness to give up food
** e.g., Willingness to surrender
** e.g., I asked for the willingness.
World Service Business Conference (WSBC) = ** Annual business Conference of Overeaters Anonymous, Inc.
This weeklong meeting is held to elect trustees, amend Bylaws, adopt new business policies,
and provide information to delegates through presentations and workshops.
World Service Office (WSO) = ** Administrative headquarters for Overeaters Anonymous in Rio Rancho, New
Mexico USA. Staffed by professionals who conduct day-to-day business operations of OA, the
WSO registers OA groups worldwide, develops OA literature, and sells and ships OA books and
WSBC = ** abbreviation for World Service Business Conference; also known as Conference
WSC = ** abbreviation for World Service Convention; also known as Convention
WSO = ** abbreviation for World Service Office
Writing = ** as one of the nine Tools