Links for more Recovery
We're hoping to include stories, podcasts, special speaker meeting recordings, .mp3's, etc.
Please let the webmaster know of resources you know about and would like to see included here, surprise her!
Webmaster: [email protected]
JOIN our Region One Google Group to hear about events and other recovery news via email. The group is moderated, and only OA members may subscribe. You may unsubscribe yourself at any time.
Subscribe by emailing: [email protected]
Post message by emailing: [email protected]
Unsubscribe by emailing: [email protected]
Here is a list gleaned from the Region One website at
Newsletters from Around Region One
Alaska Intergroup - The Raven
Anchorage Alaska Intergroup - Northern Lights
Central Oregon Intergroup Newsletter
Lake Country Intergroup Newsletter == this one is especially suggested to subscribe to.
Pierce County Intergroup Newsletter
Sea to Sky Intergroup Newsletter
Snake River Intergroup Newsletter - January 2021
Snake River Intergroup Newsletter - March 2021
Snake River Intergroup Newsletter - April 2021
Vancouver Island Intergroup - Anchors OA
Podcasts on Other OA Websites 100 Pounders Abstinence Action
Living in Program/Maintenance
OA "Special Focus" Meetings:
American Sign Language & Closed Captioned Meetings:
Bariatric Surgery and OA:
Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC):
Men in OA:
Young People in OA:
Please let the webmaster know of resources you know about and would like to see included here, surprise her!
Webmaster: [email protected]
JOIN our Region One Google Group to hear about events and other recovery news via email. The group is moderated, and only OA members may subscribe. You may unsubscribe yourself at any time.
Subscribe by emailing: [email protected]
Post message by emailing: [email protected]
Unsubscribe by emailing: [email protected]
Here is a list gleaned from the Region One website at
Newsletters from Around Region One
Alaska Intergroup - The Raven
Anchorage Alaska Intergroup - Northern Lights
Central Oregon Intergroup Newsletter
Lake Country Intergroup Newsletter == this one is especially suggested to subscribe to.
Pierce County Intergroup Newsletter
Sea to Sky Intergroup Newsletter
Snake River Intergroup Newsletter - January 2021
Snake River Intergroup Newsletter - March 2021
Snake River Intergroup Newsletter - April 2021
Vancouver Island Intergroup - Anchors OA
Podcasts on Other OA Websites 100 Pounders Abstinence Action
- Hope Moves Into Action - Adele, Cecelia, Claudia - 2020 R1C
- If I Could Tell You One Thing (Chat Notes) - 2020 R1C
- Image of Hope: A Fresh Perspective on Body Image - Nicole and Kelsey - 2020 R1C
- Body Image - June 2019 R1 Conference Call
- Body Image - 2016 R1C
- A Serving of Hope: Food Partners, Food Problems and Finding Your Food Plan - Erin, Kelly and Katherine - 2020 R1C
- Planning the Production: The Importance of a Food Plan - 2009 R1C
Living in Program/Maintenance
- Staying in Character - 2009 R1C
- Writing Workshop - 2016 R1C
- Relationships - 2016 R1C
- Rooting Out Resentments - Rose - 2002 R1C
- Bookstore page - I call it the "You are here, so begin with this" page. This page is a good start beginning your OA literature library here.
- April 2018 - Sheryll's Story of Recovery
- September 2018 - Leslie's Story of Recovery
- Three-Fold Recovery: Physical, Emotional, Spiritual - Amy and Jackie - 2002 R1C
- Twelfth Step Within Day Speaker - 2018 R1 Conf Call
- After Relapse - 2009 R1C
- Breaking out of Relapse Video -
- Life on Life's Terms - 2009 R1C
- Relapse And Recovery - 2016 R1C
- Finding Hope After Relapse - 2020 R1C
- Sponsorship Workshop - 2019 R1C
- Sponsors - 2009 R1C
- Sponsorship Workshop - 2016 R1C
- Sponsorship - 2018 R1C
- "What? You Want me to Sponsor?" March 2019 R1 Conf Call
- Tools - 2009 R1C
- Strong Meetings - May 2018 R1 Conf Call Call Notes
- Focus on Service - July 2018 R1 Conf Call Call Notes
- Steps 1, 2 and 3 - 2009 R1C
- Step 3: The Proper Use of Will - 2009 R1C
- Step 4 - 2009 R1C
- Step 4 - 2016 R1C
- Steps 5, 6 and 7 - 2009 R1C
- Steps 5, 6 and 7: Character Defects into Assets - 2009 R1C
- Steps 6, 7 and 8 - 2016 R1C
- Steps 8 and 9 - Lawrie C. - 2009 R1C
- Steps 10 and 11 - 2009 R1C
- Steps 10 and 11 - 2016 R1C
- Step 12 - 2009 R1C
- Step 12 - 2016 R1C
OA "Special Focus" Meetings:
- OA has special focus meetings: 100 Pounders, Anorexic/Bulimic, Bariatric Surgery, Black, Health Issues, LGBT, Men, Women, Young Persons. Any OA member may attend any OA meeting, regardless of special focus. To find a special focus meeting:
- go to Find a Meeting
- select a type of meeting (face-to-face, online, telephone, or non-real-time)
- click on "additional search options" and select the desired special focus
American Sign Language & Closed Captioned Meetings:
- Tuesday 6pm Central - ASL & closed captioned meeting
- Wednesday Noon Pacific - closed captioned meeting
- Saturday 10am Pacific - ASL & closed captioned meeting
- Find special focus meetings by following the instructions above. You are welcome at any OA meeting.
- Zoom Meetings with an Anorexia / Bulimia Focus
- Anorexic and Bulimic Voices in OA Literature
- Podcast - Chris Shares Her Story
Bariatric Surgery and OA:
- Find special focus meetings by following the instructions above. You are welcome at any OA meeting.
- Online meetings for members of Overeaters Anonymous who have had weight loss surgery
Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC):
- Find special focus meetings by following the instructions above. You are welcome at any OA meeting.
- Black Members Share Their Experience, Strength and Hope - Pamphlet
- Sunday 6pm Pacific - BIPOC Zoom Meeting
Men in OA:
- Find special focus meetings by following the instructions above. You are welcome at any OA meeting.
- "Men in OA" website - podcasts, sponsorship and more
- To the Man Who Wants to Stop Eating Compulsively - Pamphlet
- Interviews with Bob, Charles and Joe - Podcasts
- 2015 WSBC Keynote Speaker
Young People in OA:
- Find special focus meetings by following the instructions above. You are welcome at any OA meeting.
- Fifteen Questions for the Young Person
- OA is for Young People, Too!
- To Parents and Concerned Adults - Pamphlet
- To the Teen - Pamphlet
- To the Teen - Questionaire
- To the Young Person - Pamphlet - Amazon / Kindle Version
- Young Person's Packet
- A Message from the Young Persons' Committee
- Coming in Young - Article
- OA Young People's Facebook Page